
Popup Command

Syntax: popup <card> [titled <string>] [with <expr>] [as {dialog | moveabledialog}] [at <x,y>] Applies to cards


The popup command displays the indicated <card> in a new modal dialog window that overlays the card that was previously displayed. The new window becomes the focus of all user and script activity: when the user navigates to another card, that card is also displayed in the new window. The new window is dismissed by issuing the dismiss command. The dimensions of the new window are determined by the size of the background of <card>. centered on top of the current card window. If you specify coordinates that place the card off of the screen, Oracle Media Objects will override your coordinates and place the card entirely on the screen, because it is not possible to pop up a dialog window at an off-screen position. The previous window, or parent window, is no longer active until dismiss is issued. All messages, including idle, are sent to the dialog, or child window. A child window can issue popup as well, to a maximum of 10 simultaneously displayed windows. The handler that issues the popup command pauses in its execution until a dismiss command has been issued. When a popup card is displayed, the toolbar, script windows, menus, and message box are all unavailable until dismiss has been issued. The cursor displays as a standard dialog pointer. The same card cannot be displayed in two different windows at once.


The popup command is useful for displaying custom dialog boxes.


popup the next card of this stack popup card id 1007 as moveabledialog
This text has been mechanically extracted from the Oracle Media Objects MediaTalk Reference, © 1995 Oracle Corporation, and is provided here solely for educational/historical purposes.